Checking the settings on the emulator, Che ck the s e tting on the em ulator – Sony RM-AX4000 User Manual
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Checking the settings on the Emulator
You can confirm on the PC screen that the settings made on AX Remote Editor w ill w ork properly.
Conne ct the Re m ote Com m ande r (RM -AX4000) to your PC w ith the USB m ini cable .
Note s
Do not disconnect the USB mini cable from your PC until checking is complete, otherw ise a malfunction may occur.
Only connect one Remote Commander to your PC at a time. Otherw ise, you w on't be able to start the Emulator.
Aim the Re m ote Com m ande r at the AV com pone nt you w ant to ope rate , the n click "Em ulate " in the low e r right of the s cre e n.
The Emulator appears.
Note s
If the firmw are version of the Remote Commander is older than that of AX Remote Editor, a dialog box appears asking you to confirm updating the
firmw are w hen you click "Emulate." By clicking "OK," the firmw are is updated.
If you update the firmw are, all the current settings of the Remote Commander are deleted. So proceed w ith caution, being careful not to delete
necessary data.
If "The Remote Commander is not connected or not responding." appears w hen you click "Emulate," the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) may not be
connected to your PC properly. After checking the connection, click "Retry" to repeat the operation.
One by one , pre s s the k e ys and buttons on the Em ulator to confirm the corre s ponding action on the AV com pone nt.
Note s
Press the keys/buttons longer than usual.
The Emulator cannot check the operations w hen the follow ing buttons are pressed.
SYNC-UP button
TIMER button
LIGHT button
Afte r che ck ing all the k e ys and buttons , click
in the uppe r right of the Em ulator.
The Emulator closes.
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