Sony RM-AX4000 User Manual
Page 109

If the XPRESS function is set as an Alias action,
w ill not w ork.
Adds the Alias action programmed for the selected item is added to the Action list.
Saves the setting of the Action list, and the "Edit actions" dialog box closes.
[Cance l]
Cancels the setting for the Action list, and the "Edit actions" dialog box closes.
[Te s t]
Opens the "Test" dialog box for you to check if the Action list w orks properly. For further details, see "
Checking the action of the Action list
" below .
Adding a Learn action ("Learn" dialog box)
The "Adding a Learn action" dialog box allow s you to teach the remote control signal of an AV component to a key/button for a component/XPRESS key. This
operation adds the Learn action (or the Learn+ action) to the Action list of the key/button.
After the "Learn" dialog box appears, perform the follow ing steps.
Conne ct the Re m ote Com m ande r (RM -AX4000) to your PC w ith the USB m ini cable .
Note s
Do not disconnect the USB mini cable from your PC w hile teaching the remote control signals, otherw ise a malfunction may occur.
Only connect one Remote Commander to your PC at a time. Otherw ise, teaching may not be successful.
Follow ing the on-s cre e n ins tructions , place the Re m ote Com m ande r (RM -AX4000) he ad to he ad w ith the AV com pone nt's re m ote
control w hos e s ignal you w ant to te ach.
Click "Le arn."
The Remote Commander (RM-NX4000) goes to standby mode.
If you check the "Save remote control signal as raw data" box, the remote control signal of the AV component is programmed as the raw -data onto the
Remote Commander. If the AV component does not w ork properly w hen a learned key is pressed, check this box to try the learning. In this case, the
learned data is larger than normal learning.
Pre s s and hold dow n the button on the re m ote control until "Le arning com ple te d" appe ars .
If "Learning is complete." appear, learning w as successful.
If "A time out error: 60 seconds has passed" appears, click [OK] and redo from step 3.
If "The Remote Commander is not connected or not responding." appears, the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) may not be connected to your PC
properly. After checking the connection, click "Retry" to repeat the operation.
Click "OK" in the m e s s age box.
The message box closes, and the follow ing action is added to the Action list.
If a Pre s e t action is in the Action lis t
The Learn+ action replaces the Preset action.
If a Pre s e t action is not in the Action lis t
The Learn action is added.
Checking the action of the Action list
The "Edit actions" dialog box allow s you to check if the Action list w orks properly.
For the checking, perform the follow ing steps.
Conne ct the Re m ote Com m ande r (RM -AX4000) to your PC w ith the USB m ini cable .
Note s
Do not disconnect the USB mini cable from your PC w hile the checking, otherw ise a malfunction may occur.
Only connect one Remote Commander to your PC at a time. Otherw ise, you w on't be able to check the action correctly.
Aim the Re m ote Com m ande r at the AV com pone nt you w ant to ope rate , the n click "Te s t."
A message box appears.
Follow ing the on-s cre e n ins tructions , pre pare the AV com pone nt you w ant to ope rate and click "OK."
The "Test" dialog box appears.
Click "Se nd."
The signal programmed for the Remote Commander as an Action list is sent to the AV component. Check if the AV component w orks properly.
Afte r che ck ing, click "Cance l."
The "Test" dialog box closes, and the screen returns to the "Edit Actions" dialog box.
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