Sony RM-AX4000 User Manual
Page 61
After the "Learn Signal in Order" appears, perform the follow ing steps.
Conne ct the Re m ote Com m ande r (RM -AX4000) to your PC w ith the USB m ini cable .
Note s
Do not disconnect the USB mini cable from your PC w hile teaching the remote control signals, otherw ise a malfunction may occur.
Only connect one Remote Commander to your PC at a time. Otherw ise, teaching may not be successful.
Confirm the s e le cte d k e y/button in the k e y/button lis t on the right s ide of the dialog box.
If you don't w ant to teach the signal to the selected key/button, click "Skip." The next possible key/button to be learned is selected.
Whe n the k e y/button you w ant to te ach is s e le cte d, click "Le arn."
The "Learn" dialog box appears.
Follow ing the on-s cre e n ins tructions , place the Re m ote Com m ande r (RM -AX4000) he ad to he ad w ith the AV com pone nt's re m ote
control w hos e s ignal you w ant to te ach.
Click "Le arn."
The Remote Commander (RM-NX4000) goes to standby mode.
If you check the "Save remote control signal as raw data" box, the remote control signal of the AV component is programmed as the raw -data onto the
Remote Commander. If the AV component does not w ork properly w hen a learned key is pressed, check this box to try the learning. In this case, the
learned data is larger than normal learning.
Pre s s and hold dow n the button on the re m ote control until "Le arning is com ple te ." appe ars .
If "Learning is complete." appear, learning w as successful.
If "A time out error: 60 seconds has passed" appears, click [OK] and redo from step 5.
If "The Remote Commander is not connected or not responding." appears, the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) may not be connected to your PC
properly. After checking the connection, click "Retry" to repeat the operation.
Click "OK" in the m e s s age box.
The screen returns to "Learn Signal in Order," and the next possible key/button to be learned is selected.
Re pe at s te ps 1 to 7 to continue to othe r k e ys /buttons you w ant to te ach.
When all the possible settings are finished, "Programming remote control signals of "component name" is complete." appears.
Click "OK" in the m e s s age box.
The message box and the "Learn Signal in Order" dialog box close.
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