Sony RM-AX4000 User Manual
Page 107
Action list of key A
[Alias] key B
Action list of key B
[Alias] key A
The alias loop created by key A and B referring to each other endlessly repeats operation.
AX Remote Editor checks the reference sequence w hen you set an Alias action. If the reference sequence loops, a message appears and the Alias action
cannot be set.
About Active code
Active code determines w hether the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) sends the pow er on signal, depending on the component status you w ant to operate.
When you create an XPRESS key, the Active code is programmed for a Start macro/Exit macro of the XPRESS key.
(Exam ple ) Whe n an XPRESS k e y of "w atching a DVD on TV" is pe rform e d afte r turning on the TV w ith the RM -AX4000
The RM-AX4000 judges the TV status from the signal history, thereby determining that the Start macro of the XPRESS key does not need to send a pow er on
signal for the TV.
About invalid actions
A programmed action becomes invalid w hen:
The display you w ant to jump to no longer exists.
(Example) When the TV component is deleted, any Jump action to the TV Component display becomes invalid.
The invalid Jump action is displayed as
[Jum p] *** Invalid ***
The key/button you w ant to refer to no longer exists.
(Example) When the TV component is deleted, the Alias action referring to the key/button on the TV Component display becomes invalid.
The invalid Alias action is displayed as
[Alias ] *** Invalid ***
The Alias action refers to the key/button that has an invalid action.
The "The Remote Commander w ill not transmit any Active Codes" box is checked in the dialog box, displayed by clicking "Options" on the menu bar and
selecting "Active Code Settings."
The invalid action is grayed out on the Action list.
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