elektraLite 1018 RGBWA (5-in-1) User Manual
Page 7

9. Run Mode.
Run allows the fixture to operate in either DMX or Slave operation.
Using the Menu button in the root menu go to RUN.
Press Enter to get to DMX mode. To get to SLAV mode use the ↑ or ↓
And press enter to save this setting.
10. DMX 512 Setting (address).
Sets up the address for the dmx.
Using the Menu button in the root menu go to DMX
Press Enter to get into DMX and the display will read the current dmx channel.
The display will read for example d.001
This means the fixture's current address is 1
To change it, use the ↑ or ↓ buttons to get to the correct address.
11. Fixture Personality.
There are several different choices on how the fixture will operate.
What these "Personalities" do in terms of their channel assignments is detailed in the tables on pages
12 and 13.
To change a Personality use the Menu button to get to PERS
Press Enter then using the ↑ or ↓ buttons go to the personality required.
Press Enter to save the Personality.
The one Personality not defined in the tables is STAG. STAG is short for STAGE and it is the full dmx
number of channels as detailed in the DMX Channel Assignments shown on pages 14 & 15. The full
dmx number of channels is 12.
12. ID Address.
An Elektralite 1018 (5-in-1) can be addressed (controlled) through the dmx or instead it can have its
own unique ID address.
There are a total of 255 different ID addresses from 1 to 255.
To set up the address for a fixture, use the Menu button in the root menu go to ID
Press Enter and then using the ↑ or ↓ buttons,to select the ID address.
Press Enter to save the address.
For the ID address to work you must chose a Personality that uses the ID. For example STAG
This allows you to access the ID address system on channel 4.
Set the DMX address to d.001 for the fixture. So if ID address 123 is chosen then go to channel 4 on
the lighting board and set the level at 123. You will then be controlling only fixture(s) with ID address