Caring for the camera and battery: cautions – Nikon D70 User Manual
Page 206

Technical Notes—Caring for the Camera
Do not drop
The product may malfunction if sub ject ed to
strong shocks or vi bra tion.
Keep dry
This product is not waterproof, and may
mal func tion if im mersed in wa ter or ex posed
to high levels of hu mid i ty. Rust ing of the
in ter nal mech
a nism can cause ir
rep a ra ble
dam age.
Avoid sudden changes in tem per a ture
Sud den chang es in tem per a ture, such as oc-
cur when en ter ing or leav ing a heat ed build-
ing on a cold day, can cause con den sa tion
in side the de vice. To prevent con den sa tion,
place the device in a car ry ing case or a plas tic
bag be fore ex pos ing it to sud den chang es in
tem per a ture.
Keep away from strong mag net ic fi elds
Do not use or store this device in the vi cin i ty
of equip
ment that gen
er ates strong elec-
tro mag net ic radiation or mag
net ic fi elds.
Strong static charg es or the mag net ic fi elds
pro duced by equip ment such as radio trans-
mit ters could in
ter fere with the monitor,
dam age data stored on the mem o ry card, or
affect the prod uct’s in ter nal cir cuit ry.
Do not leave the lens pointed at the sun
Do not leave the lens pointed at the sun or
another sight source for an extended period.
Intense light may cause the image sensor to
deteriorate or produce a white blur effect in
Do not touch the shutter curtain
The shutter curtain is extremely thin and
easily damaged. Under no cir
cum stanc es
should you exert pres
sure on the curtain,
poke it with clean ing tools, or sub ject it to
powerful air cur rents from a blow er. These
actions could scratch, de
form, or tear the
Handle all mov ing parts with care
Do not ap ply force to the bat tery-cham ber,
card-slot, or con nec tor cov ers. These parts
are es pe cial ly sus cep ti ble to dam age.
• When cleaning the camera body, use a
blow er to remove dust and lint, then wipe
gently with a soft, dry cloth. After using
your camera at the beach or seaside, wipe
off any sand or salt using a cloth lightly
damp ened with pure water and then dry
your camera thoroughly. In rare in stanc es,
static electricity produced by a brush or
cloth may cause the LCD dis plays to light
up or dark en. This does not in di cate a
malfunction, and the dis
play will shortly
return to normal.
• When cleaning the lens and mirror, re-
mem ber that these elements are easily
dam aged. Dust and lint should be gen tly
removed with a blower. When using an
aerosol blower, keep the can vertical (tilt-
ing the can could result in liquid be
sprayed on the mir ror). If you do get a
fi ngerprint or other stain on the lens, ap-
ply a small amount of lens cleaner to a soft
cloth and wipe the lens carefully.
• See “Cleaning the Low-Pass Filter” for
information on cleaning the low-pass fi lter
• To prevent mold or mildew, store the cam-
era in a dry, well-ven ti lat ed area. If you
will not be us ing the prod uct for long pe-
ri ods, re move the bat tery to pre vent leak-
age and store the cam era in a plastic bag
con tain ing a des ic cant. Do not, how ev er,
store the cam era case in a plas tic bag, as
this may cause the ma te ri al to de te ri o rate.
Note that des ic cant grad u al ly los es its ca-
pac i ty to ab sorb mois ture and should be
re placed at reg u lar in ter vals.
Caring for the Camera and Battery: Cautions