Nikon 8800 User Manual
Page 168

echnical Notes
E-mail, 34, 72
Exif 2.2, 155
Exif Print, see Exif 2.2
Exposure bracketing, 108
Exposure BSS, 91
Exposure compensation, 44
Exposure information, see
Photo information
Exposure lock, 22
Exposure metering, see Meter-
Exposure mode, 46–51
Exposure options, 98–99
Files, see Image fi les
File numbering, 25, 136
Fill fl ash, 30, 37–38
FINE, 33
Firmware, 142
Firmware version, 142
Fixed aperture, 102
Flash, 17, 20–21, 37–39, 88,
97, 104–106
built-in, 2, 37–39, 155
mode, 26–31, 37–38, 105
optional, 104–106, 143
range, 38, 155
Flash exp. comp., 104
Flash exposure compensation,
Flash indicator, 20
Flexible program, 47
Focus, 20–22, 40, 60, 97,
100–101. See also Autofocus
manual, 57, 101
mode, 26–31, 40
Focus area, 5, 100
Focus confi rmation, 101
Focus indicator, 20
Focus information, see Focus
confi rmation, Photo infor-
Focus lock, 22
Focus options, 100–101
Folders, 116–119, 133
choosing for playback, 119
creating, 116
deleting, 118
renaming, 117
storing pictures in, 113
Formatting, see Memory card,
Framing guides, 5
Framing pictures, 18–19, 22, 100
FUNC, 139
FUNC button, 26, 50, 60, 139
, 88
HI, 33, 66
Hidden pictures, 115, 118, 123
Hide image, 123
Hue, 134
Image adjustment, 93
Image fi les, 25
Image mode, 33–36
Image quality, 33, 35–36
Image sharpening, 96
Image size, 34–36
Infi nity, see Focus
info.txt, 140
Information, see Photo infor-
Interval timer photography,
88, 90
ISO, see Sensitivity
JPEG, 25, 33, 155
JPG, see Image fi les
, 88
Language, 15–16, 131
Language, choosing, 15–16,
Lens, 2, 18, 97, 154
Lens, 97
Lens, converter, 97, 143
Lens adapter ring, 97, 143
Lens ring, 2
Long time-exposures, 51, 99
M (manual) mode, 46, 50–51
Macro close-up, 40
Memory cards
approved, 144
formatting, 112
insertion and removal of,
button, 26, 85, 113
Metering, 87
MH-56, see Battery charger
Microdrive, see Memory cards
Microphone, 2, 59, 74
ML-L3, see Remote control
Mode dial, 8
Monitor, 3–5, 133–135
brightness and hue, 134
framing pictures in, 20
indicators in, 4–5
opening and closing, 7
Monitor options, 133–135
Monochrome, see Black-and-
white, Sepia
MOV, see Image fi les
Move image, 128–129
Movies, 59–64
recording, 61–63
viewing, 64
Movie mode, 59–63
Movie options, 59–60
Moving pictures, 128–129
Multi selector, 8
My menu, 85, 111
NEF, see Image fi les
Nikon Capture, 34
Noise, 27, 51, 52, 109
Noise reduction, 27, 109
Noise reduction, 109
NR, 109
NTSC, see Video mode
Number of exposures remain-
ing, 4, 17
On/off, see Power switch
P (programmed auto) mode,
46, 47
PAL, see Video mode
Panorama, 30, 31–32