Flash photography with color filters, Using color compensation filters and color filters – Nikon Speedlight SB-700 User Manual

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Flash Photography with Color Filters

Color compensation fi lters, a fl uorescent and an incandescent fi lter,
are included with the SB-700 for use with fl ash photography under
incandescent/tungsten and fl uorescent lighting.

For photo examples with colors balanced using color compensation

filters, see the separate booklet, "A collection of example photos."
Color filters (Color Filter Set SJ-4) that change the color of the light

emitted by the SB-700 are separately available. (0H-13)

Using color compensation filters and color




Fluorescent fi lter (Fluorescent
Filter SZ-3FL), included

Balance the color of light from the
fl ash to match that of fl uorescent

Incandescent fi lter (Incandescent
Filter SZ-3TN), included

Balance the color of light from the
fl ash to match that of incandescent or
tungsten lighting

Color fi lters (Color Filter Set
SJ-4), optional

Create interesting effects by changing
the color of the light emitted by the
fl ash