PerTronix Dougs Headers D627-R User Manual
Header installation instructions, Important, Disassembly

Part No. 0110-003082
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rev. 1 11-19-13 DSL
PART NUMBER: D627 & D627-R
1967-70 Ford Mustang/Mercury Cougar
thanks you for choosing
DOUG’S HEADERS, the best fitting, highest quality header on the market. In order
to realize the full potential of our good fit, please read and understand these instructions completely prior to starting work.
Check to make sure you received the proper parts for your application. The header number will be stamped on the engine
flange. If you are unsure you have received the proper parts call before you start work.
Be sure to work safe! Whenever you work under the vehicle be sure that it is located on level, solid ground and is supported
by adequate safety stands! Remember: Hot asphalt will not support most jack stands!
Attention Customers breaking in new engines: Due to the extreme heat generated during the break-in process, the
appearance of the ceramic coating may be altered in certain areas. The protection characteristics and thermal barrier properties
of the coating is never compromised. It is recommended that a cast iron manifold or old set of headers be used for this process.
Notice: The coating of these headers can be marred or scratched during installation. If the header needs to be returned and is
damaged, you will be charged for recoat.
These headers were designed on the original Factory Cobra Jet Super Stock Race Cars
of Paul Harvey and Hubert Platt. They are an extremely tight fit, especially between the
shock towers. Shock towers that have been reinforced make matters worse and may
require slight notching of the reinforcement plates. These headers feature two primary
tubes that crossover under the oil pan for increased performance and fit. Please take
your time when installing as patience is definitely required. Look at the photos for
possible interference and close fit areas before starting. It is not unusual on this type of
Racing header to have to make small flat spots in the tubes and or shim the motor
mounts for adequate clearances. Many factors can affect header fitment including old,
worn or bent motor mounts, previous chassis damage, modified structures, etc. For
period correct look cut all pipes apart at the flanges just past the bolt holes creating 8
pipes at the head, cut the gaskets to match.
Disconnect the negative battery cable from the battery.
If a car lift is not available, raise the vehicle 3 feet or higher and support with adequate
safety stands. Make sure the vehicle is on a flat solid surface and is stable.
Corporate Office: PerTronix Inc. 440 E. Arrow Highway, San Dimas, California 91773 * Phone 909.599.5955 * FAX 909.599.6424 *