PerTronix Ignitor 1164N6 User Manual
PerTronix For the car

6-Volt Negative Ground Installation Instructions
CAUTION!!! Before installing, please read the following important information....
For Part Number: 1164N6
1. The Ignitor is designed for 6-Volt negative ground systems.
2. Leaving the ignition “ON” with the engine “OFF” for an extended period could result in permanent damage to
the Ignitor.
3. See Chart on back page for coil recommendations.
4. Four and six cylinder engines require a minimum of 3.0 ohms of primary resistance and eight cylinder
engines require a minimum of 1.5 ohms of primary resistance. Do not remove resistors if the coil primary
resistance is less than specified.
5. If your Ignition coil has the recommended primary resistance, remove or bypass all external resistors.
2. Disconnect point wire from negative (-) coil terminal.
3. Remove distributor cap.
Do not disconnect spark plug wires from cap. Examine cap for wear or damage.
Replace as needed.
4. REMOVE DISTRIBUTOR FROM ENGINE. Note position of rotor before removing distributor.
5. Remove rotor.
Examine rotor for wear or damage. Replace as needed.
6. Remove point wire from distributor point assembly. Remove points wire from distributor.
7. Remove breaker point assembly and condenser. Retain screws and washers to install Ignitor module.
8. Remove point wire from negative (-) terminal of the coil.
9. The Ignitor does not require any modification to the distributor. Therefore the points, condenser and
hardware can be used as backup.
10. Clean all dirt and excess oil from the breaker plate and point cam.
11. Install magnet ring by slipping over advance weight assembly and inserting the two threaded 6/32 studs up
through the two 10-32 threaded holes where screws that held rotor were removed. (See figures B & C).
IMPORTANT - If you are installing part number 1165, you will find a notch cut in the magnet ring near one of the
studs. This stud must be inserted in the hole near the square cutout in the advance weight mechanism.
12. Install rotor (we recommend a new rotor) over the 6/32 studs and secure with 6/32 kep nuts and flat
washers. These flat washers are the two thick ones. The thinner spacer washers are furnished for adjusting
air gap. Do not tighten these kep nuts at this time.
13. Install Ignitor module in the same holes where the points were. NOTE: Dual point distributors require the
module to be mounted in the place of the leading point. Use the screws that held the point assembly to the
breaker plate. Screws should be finger tight at this point.
Caution - BE sure that magnet ring is seated against the advance mechanism plate and the module is seated
against breaker plate. The shaft must be seated in the lowest position when measuring gap.
14. You will be trying to get an air gap between approximately 0.010” at the low end and no more than 0.060”
at the high end. With the distributor shaft pulled down, rotate the shaft and make sure the magnet ring does
not rub against the Ignitor module. If it happens to rub against the Ignitor module, carefully bend the Ignitor
module bracket down until it does not rub. Bend with pliers at the bracket so as not to loosen the rivets. If
there is a gap, rotate the distributor shaft and measure the largest air gap between the face of the magnet
ring and the face of the Ignitor module. If you have an Oldsmobile, and the largest gap is more than 0.060”,
go to step #14. Otherwise, continue with the next step.