PerTronix Dougs Headers D313 User Manual
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Part No. 0110-003098
Page 2 of 3 8-15-11
7. Disconnect the head pipes from the exhaust manifolds.
8. Remove the Oil Filter and the Starter Motor.
9. Remove the stock exhaust manifolds.
10. Remove the gaskets and any gasket material or any carbon deposits that remain on the head
surface. The use of a gasket removal agent will ease the removal of any gasket material. Use
care not to get debris into ports or spark plug holes.
11. At this point it may be necessary to cut the head pipes to allow room to install the headers. If you
are installing a new exhaust system you may cut the head pipes any where you choose, but if you
are using the existing exhaust you need to cut the head pipes in the proper location so that they
will be able to be welded to the reducers supplied with your headers.
1. Place a floor jack under the oil pan with a flat board for support. Loosen the transmission mount
bolts. Remove the passenger side motor mount center bolt and raise the motor approximately 2”.
2. Starting from below, work the passenger side header up through the chassis into position. When
the header is about half way in, work the starter past the header tubes in to position and reinstall
the starter bolts.
3. Carefully lower the motor back into position and replace the motor mount bolt.
4. Slip the gasket into position and start all the supplied header bolts and lock washers.
5. Tighten the header bolts evenly starting from the center to a final torque of 35 ft lbs.
Remove the driver’s side motor mount bolt and raise that side of the motor approx 2”.
7. From below, work the
driver’s side header up into position.
8. Slip the gasket into position and start all the supplied header bolts and lock washers. If the car is
equipped with power steering, use the original bolt with the supplied spacer in the first hole.
9. Tighten the header bolts evenly starting from the center to a final torque of 35 ft lbs.
10. Power Steering, Alternator and Air Conditioned cars may require modification to the Brackets, see
illustrations below.
11. Install the reducers and determine the connection to the exhaust system.
12. Tighten the transmission bolts and reinstall alternator, oil filter, and oil dipstick tube.
13. Weld the reducers to the exhaust system and install them onto the headers utilizing the gaskets
and bolts supplied.
14. Install the spark plugs and connect the wires to the proper plug. Check to make sure that all the
wiring, brake lines, hoses, etc. are clear of the headers or any exhaust component.
15. Connect the battery cables.
Be sure that all brake lines and fuel lines are clear of headers and/or connector pipes.
All spark plug wires, battery cables, or other electrical components should be clear of
headers and/or connector pipes.
If dipstick tube was removed, make sure it is installed properly and that the dipstick has
been replaced.
Double-check the tightness of all bolts including brackets and accessories
Start the engine and allow it to warm up to operating temperature. Check for any unusual noises
or exhaust leaks. If every thing is OK, stop the engine and tighten all bolts while the engine is still
warm. NOTE: Check the bolts periodically to make sure they have not loosened. Re-tighten after
the first 500 miles and then again at 1000 miles