ALESIS QS7 User Manual
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Chapter 7: Editing Effects
The shelving EQ is only available in Configuration #s 4 and 5. It provides bass and
treble boost, and effects the entire Main Output (not just the Effects Sends). Four EQ
parameters are included: Low Frequency (range: 30Hz to 180Hz), Low Frequency
Gain (0dB to +12dB), High Frequency (3kHz to 10kHz), High Frequency Boost (0dB
to +9dB).
Lo EQ Frequency (30Hz to 180Hz)
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This allows you to adjust the cutoff frequency of the Lo EQ. It can be set between
30Hz and 180Hz. If the Lo EQ Gain parameter is set above 0dB, all frequencies
below and including the one selected by the Lo EQ Frequency parameter will be
Lo EQ Gain (0dB to +12dB)
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This controls how much boost will be applied to frequencies below and including the
one selected by the Lo EQ Frequency. It can be set between 0dB and +12dB.
Hi EQ Frequency (3kHz to 10kHz)
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This allows you to adjust the cutoff frequency of the Hi EQ. It can be set between
3kHz and 10kHz. If the Hi EQ Gain parameter is set above 0dB, all frequencies
above and including the one selected by the Hi EQ Frequency parameter will be
Hi EQ Gain (0dB to +9dB)
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This controls how much boost will be applied to frequencies above and including the
one selected by the Hi EQ Frequency. It can be set between 0dB and +9dB.
The Mod Function lets you control various effects parameters from the various controls
on the QS (keyboard, after-touch, pitch-bender, etc.) or from the MIDI input. This is
extremely useful when dynamic or real-time control is required in a live playing
situation. It is possible to control up to 2 parameters simultaneously. The Modulation
assignments are saved with the Effects Patch.
Don’t confuse this Mod Function with the Mod Function used by the Programs; they
are independent destinations, though they can come from the same source.
Note: Modulating any effect parameter (with the exception of chorus speed) while
audio is passing through it can result in audio artifacts or noises due to discontinuities
in the modulation source.
The are two Modulators. You can select between these by using the [
PAGE] and
] buttons. Page 1 through 3 display the parameters of Modulator #1, while
pages 4 through 6 display the parameters for Modulator #2.
QS7/QS8 Reference Manual