F.5.1 read version information, F.5.2 read transmission status, F.5.3 read last transmission status – Campbell Scientific TX320 Transmitter User Manual

Page 75: F.5.1 read, Version, F.5.2 read

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Appendix F. Extended ASCII Command Set

F.5.1 Read Version Information



Access level: USER
TX320 State: Enabled/Disabled

This command returns the transmitter serial number, hardware version number,
firmware version number, and GPS module version numbers.

F.5.2 Read Transmission Status



Access level: USER
TX320 State: Enabled/Disabled

This command returns the transmitter state, GPS state, time to next
transmission, number of bytes in timed transmit buffer, number of bytes in
random transmit buffer, number of times random data has been transmitted,
fail-safe status, and supply voltage.

The transmitter responds with:

Transmitter: Enabled/Disabled[CR][LF]

GPS: On/Off[CR][LF]
RTC: Valid/Invalid[CR][LF]

Time To Next Tx: dd:hh:mm:ss[CR][LF]
Timed Message Length: nnnn[CR][LF]

Next Timed Tx: N/A or mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss

Random Message Length: nnnn[CR][LF]
Random Message Tx Count: nnn[CR][LF]

Next Random Tx: N/A or mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss

Fail-Safe: OK/Tripped[CR][LF]

Supply Voltage: xx.x V

F.5.3 Read Last Transmission Status



Access level: USER
TX320 State: Enabled/Disabled

This command returns the status of the last transmission. The last transmission
could have been a regularly scheduled timed transmission, a random
transmission, or a test transmission triggered by a test command.
