F.3.1 set goes dcp platform id, F.3.2 set self-timed transmission channel number, F.3.3 set self-timed transmission bit rate – Campbell Scientific TX320 Transmitter User Manual
Page 68: F.3.4 set self-timed transmission interval
Appendix F. Extended ASCII Command Set
F.3.1 Set GOES DCP Platform ID
Access level: USER
TX320 State: Disabled
Sets the transmitter’s GOES DCP Platform ID to the hex value xxxxxxxx.
Valid range is even hex numbers from 2 to 0xfffffffe.
F.3.2 Set Self-Timed Transmission Channel Number
Access level: USER
TX320 State: Disabled
This command sets the channel number (ccc) for timed transmissions. ccc is
the channel number and has a valid range of 0 – 266 for bit rates of 100 and
300 bps and a range of 0 – 133 for a bit rate of 1200 bps.
For 100 bps operation on channels 201 – 266, the transmitter will be
configured for international operation. Specifically, the 31-bit international
EOT will be used (0x63CADD04) in place of the ASCII EOT, and the
preamble will be forced to Long.
Setting the channel number to 0 will disable timed transmissions.
F.3.3 Set Self-Timed Transmission Bit Rate
Access level: USER
TX320 State: Disabled
This command sets the timed transmission bit rate where bbbb is the bit rate
parameter and has valid values of 100, 300 and 1200 bps.
F.3.4 Set Self-Timed Transmission Interval
Access level: USER
TX320 State: Disabled
Set interval between timed transmissions to days, hours, minutes, seconds
specified in dd:hh:mm:ss. Valid range is 00:00:05:00 to 30:23:59:59.