2 diagnostic commands, Diagnostic commands – Campbell Scientific SDM-CAN Datalogger to CANbus Interface User Manual

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SDM-CAN Datalogger-to-CANbus Interface

8 CTS input.

9 RI input.

To connect the SDM-CAN to most computers use a NULL Modem cable.
When you try to communicate with the SDM-CAN, first send at least three
‘Carriage Returns’ so the SDM-CAN can recognize the baud rate at which you
are communicating. As soon as your baud rate has been detected, the SDM-
CAN will return the prompt ‘CAN>’ to your terminal window. If you have just
powered the SDM-CAN up, you must wait until the LED status flash has
finished before you attempt to communicate.

The User Command interface will accept a number of commands which allow
the user to view CAN frames, view set-up and other debug tools. These
commands are discussed below.

5.2 Diagnostic Commands

Most commands are sent in normal ASCII text. The interface is not case
sensitive and supports backspace for correction of typing errors. Normally you
would execute these commands from a PC which is running a terminal
emulator such as Hyperterminal.

Some parameters for the commands are normally entered in decimal base 10
format, but you can also enter them in hex format if you precede the number
with ‘0x’. For example, 123456


can be entered ‘as it is’ or, alternatively, in

hex format 0x1e240



The diagnostic commands are listed below:

BINS – This command will cause a hex dump of the bins configured by the
datalogger program. The output for each line is as follows:

Bin number, Data type, Start bit, Number of bits, Buffer pointer, Bin flags,
Number of values, TQUANTA, TSEG1, TSEG2, SDM mode and CAN ID.
These fields are in raw format and may contain flags to indicate modes. This
command is used by Campbell Scientific for diagnostic purposes only.

BUFFERS – Takes no parameters. This command will dump the buffers
configured by the datalogger program.

The output format is:

On the first line after the command, the number of buffers used in shown in
hex format, then on each successive line the buffer set-up is dumped in the
following hex form: Buffer Number, Frame ID, Info Byte, Flags, Working
Buffer, Read Buffer, Bin Number Pointer. This command is only normally
used by Campbell Scientific for diagnostic purposes.

CANBAUD nnnn – Scans the CANBUS to attempt to ascertain the current
baud rate. Parameter 'n' is in the range of 0-255 and is the amount of time, in
steps of 50ms, the SDM-CAN should dwell at each baud rate looking for
CANBUS activity. If the 'n' parameter is omitted, two seconds dwell time will
be used by default.