4 overload protection adjustments – Campbell Scientific RDP500 Remote Data Platform User Manual

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RDP500 Remote Data Platform

4. Wire the red and black leads into the terminals labeled “charge” on the

PS100 (see wiring diagram at the end of the manual). The polarity of the
solar panel is not important.

5. Route the grounding wire to the grounding lug and secure with screw

provided. The instruments located inside the internal enclosure are already
routed to the grounding lug from the factory.

3.4 Overload Protection Adjustments

1. Install the catch basin tare in the instrument.

2. Carefully place all of the available calibration weights in the basin—

around 20000 grams (Figure 3.4-1).

FIGURE 3.4-1. Calibration weights properly placed in the

center of the basin.

3. If either load protection screw touches the front member of the

parallelogram, back them out until there is approximately 1/16 of an inch
distance (thickness of a penny) between the bottom of the front member
and the top end of the screw.

4. Wait for the load cell readings to stabilize and make a note of it.

5. Turn one of the shipping screws until it touches the bottom of the front

member by observing the corresponding change in the load cell reading.

6. Back up the screw slowly until all the weight is supported by the load cell

and the reading returns to the previously noted value. This will ensure that
the load cell will be able to measure a full basin of water, but applying any
larger force will cause the parallelogram to bottom out on the load
protection screws thus protecting the load cell from overloading.