Appendices a, Figures – Campbell Scientific Open Path Eddy Covariance (OPEC) User Manual

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background image

Table of Contents



CSAT3 Orientation ..................................................A-1


Determining True North and Sensor Orientation ............................ A-1


Online Magnetic Declination Calculator ......................................... A-3




OPEC200 Open Path Eddy Covariance System

Quickstart Guide...................................................C-1


2-1. Open-Path Eddy-Covariance (IRGASON) System ............................. 3

3-1. IRGASON right hand coordinate system, horizontal wind vector

angle is 0 degrees............................................................................. 7

3-2. Compass coordinate system, compass wind direction is 140

degrees ............................................................................................. 8

4-1. LoggerNet station setup for the “flux” table...................................... 13

4-2. LoggerNet station setup for the “ts_data” table................................. 14

4-3. LoggerNet station data collection schedule....................................... 14

4-4. LoggerNet station status monitor ...................................................... 15

4-5. Baler station setup for the “flux” table .............................................. 16

4-6. Baler station setup for the “ts_data” table ......................................... 16

4-7. File format flow................................................................................. 18

4-8. Destination File Option screen .......................................................... 19

4-9. Fully configured CardConvert start up screen................................... 20

4-10. List of files created by CardConvert.................................................. 21

4-11. List of files created by CardConvert with duplicates ........................ 22

4-12. List of files where the duplicate files are renamed to *.bak .............. 22

4-13. List of files collected the first time using two cards .......................... 23

4-14. List of files collected the second time using two cards ..................... 23

4-15. Interpreter settings to read a Campbell Scientific TOB1 data file..... 26

4-16. Folder that contains the raw TOB1 time series data files .................. 26

4-17. Completed Interpreter screen............................................................. 27

4-18. Estimated sample frequency and correct sample frequency .............. 27

4-19. Default EdiRe processing list created by the Interpreter ................... 28

4-20. Output file location as part of the processing list .............................. 29

4-21. Output file location as part of the processing list .............................. 29

4-22. Processing



and CO


with 1 Chn Statistics instruction .................. 30

4-23. Computing



flux with 2 Chn Statistics and graphing U


statistic with Plot Value instruction ............................................... 30

5-1. Ideal vertical profiles of virtual potential temperature and specific

humidity depicting all the layers of the atmospheric boundary
layer ............................................................................................... 31

A-1. Magnetic declination for the conterminous United States (2004) ... A-1

A-2. A declination angle East of True North (positive) is subtracted

from 360 (0) degrees to find True North...................................... A-2

A-3. A declination angle West of True North (negative) is subtracted

from 0 (360) degrees to find True North...................................... A-2

A-4. Online magnetic declination calculator with inputs and output

for Longmont, CO........................................................................ A-3
