System datalogger program, 1. nominal sensor power requirements, And no rs-232 communications – Campbell Scientific Open Path Eddy Covariance (OPEC) User Manual

Page 13: Backlight on, and no rs-232 communications, System data, Logger program

background image

OPEC Open-Path Eddy-Covariance System

TABLE 2-1. Nominal Sensor Power Requirements


Power (mW)


400 mA @ 12.5 Vdc

IRGASON (gas head powered

240 mA @ 12.5 Vdc



10 - 20 mA @ 12.5 Vdc


<3.8 mA @ 12.5 Vdc

logger Powe


nd No RS-232 C

TABLE 2-2. Nominal Data

r Requirements wit

the Display Off a



Power (mW)

CR1000 w/ CFM100 & CF card

8 mA @ 12.5 Vdc

CR3000 w/ CFM100 & CF card

39 mA @ 12.5 Vdc

CR5000 w/ PC/CF card

63 mA @ 12.5 Vdc

logger Powe



t On, and No R


TABLE 2-3. Nominal Data

r Requirements wit

he Display and Backligh

S-232 Communicatio


Power (mW)

CR1000 w/ CFM100 & CF card

109 mA @ 12.5 Vdc

CR3000 w/ CFM100 & CF card

75 mA @ 12.5 Vdc

CR5000 w/ PC/CF card

170 mA @ 12.5 Vdc



pbell Scientific recommends that all

dataloggers in the field be earth grounded. All components of the system

upplies, mounts, housing, etc.) must be

und. When long cables are used or a site

3. System Data


18442 is a program for a basic system and p/n 18443 is a program for an

The OPEC system is powered by an external power supply system. The power
supply can be a Campbell Scientific PS84, a third party solar power supply
system, or a user supplied power system.

With a Campbell Scientific PS84 solar power system, connect the OPEC
sensor power cables to the positive and negative terminals of the power su
For a third party power system, see the specific power supply system manual
for installation and connection instructions.

Power connections are listed in the text files shipped with the datalogger
programs (p/n 18442 or 18443). Be sure the datalogger has a good earth
ground to provide maximum protection against voltage surges due to prim
and secondary lightning strikes. Cam

(datalogger, sensors, external power s
referenced to one common earth gro
has frequent lightning strikes, spark gaps may be required to protect the
datalogger from transient voltages.

logger Program

The open-path eddy-covariance datalogger program integrates all of the
in an open-path eddy-covariance station into a single system. Part number

extended system (with energy balance sensors). Each program is custom
written for the order. If your order did not include either p/n 18442 or 18443