Appendix b. references – Campbell Scientific Open Path Eddy Covariance (OPEC) User Manual

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Appendix B. References

Abuinet, M., Vesala, T., and Papale, D. (eds), 2012: Eddy Covariance, A

Practical Guide to Measurement and Data Analysis, Springer, New York,
438 pp.

Brutsaert, W.: 1982, Evaporation into the Atmosphere, D. Reidel Publishing

Co., Dordrecht, Holland, 300.

Buck, A. L.: 1976, “The Variable-Path Lyman-Alpha Hygrometer and its

Operating Characteristics”, Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 57, 1113-1118.

Burba, G. G., and Anderson, D. J., 2010: A Brief Practical Guide to Eddy

Covariance Flux Measurements: Principles and Workflow Examples for
Scientific and Industrial Applications,
LI-COR Biosciences, Lincoln, 211

Campbell, G. S., and Tanner, B. D.: 1985, “A Krypton Hygrometer for

Measurement of Atmospheric Water Vapor Concentration” Moisture and
Humidity, ISA, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.

Dyer, A. J. and Pruitt, W. O.: 1962, “Eddy Flux Measurements Over a Small

Irrigated Area”, J. Applied Meteorol., 1, 471-473.

Fleagle, R. G. and J. A. Businger, 1980: An Introduction to Atmospheric

Physics. Academic Press, 432 pp.

Gash, J. H. C.: 1986, “A Note on Estimating the Effect of a Limited Fetch On

Micrometeorological Evaporation Measurements”, Boundary-Layer
, 35, 409-413.

Haugen, D. A. (ed), 1973: Workshop on Micrometeorology, American

Meteorological Society, Boston, 392 pp.

Kaimal, J. C. and J. A. Businger, 1963: A continuous wave sonic anemometer-

thermometer, J. Appl. Meteorol., 2, 156-164.

Kaimal, J. C. and Finnigan, J. J.: 1994, Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows,

Their Structure and Measurement, Oxford University Press, New York,
289 pages.

Kaimal, J. C. and J. E. Gaynor, 1991: Another look at sonic thermometry,

Bound.-Layer Meteorol., 56, 401-410.

Mortensen, N. G., 1994: Flow-response characteristic of the Kaijo Denki

omni-direction sonic anemometer (TR-61V), Riso-R-704(EN), Riso
National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark.

Lee, X., Massman, W., and Law, B. E. (eds.), 2004: Handbook of

Micrometeorology. A Guide for Surface Flux Measurements and Analysis,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 250 pp.
