Campbell Scientific Open Path Eddy Covariance (OPEC) User Manual

Page 36

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OPEC Open-Path Eddy-Covariance System

The Processing Steps list has the default instructions needed to extract the data
from the TOB1 file (FIGURE 4-19). Additional instructions can be found in
the “Processing Items” list. To configure the instruction, select the instruction
parameter and enter values either from the “Processing Item Parameter” pull
down menu, or enter output variable names in the “Processing Item Parameter”
field using the keyboard.

The location of the output files, as comma separated values, can be specified in
the “Output Files” tab or as part of the processing list with the “Location
Output Files” instruction (FIGURE 4-20).

Campbell Scientific recommends incorporating the output file
destination as part of the processing list rather than changing the
output file name in the “Output File” tab. This will prevent the
accidental merger of results from multiple stations.


The mean and standard deviation of a variable is found using the “1 Chn
Statistics” instruction, covariances and fluxes are found using the “2 Chn
Statistics” instruction. The results of the processing can be plotted with the
“Plot Value” instruction, see FIGURE 4-21, FIGURE 4-22, and FIGURE 4-23.

Other useful instructions are: Rotation Coefficients, Rotation, Remove Lag,
Cross Correlate, Wind Direction, Raw Subset, Set Value, Comments, User
Defined, User Defined Fast, and Webb Correction. For additional information
on EdiRe and its use, see the online help and the EdiRe application note
published by Campbell Scientific

FIGURE 4-19. Default EdiRe processing list created by the Interpreter