2 setup using a terminal program – Campbell Scientific NL100 Network Link Interface User Manual
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NL100/105 Network Link Interface
You can also use the Terminal tab in DevConfig to set up the NL100/105 using
the menus, as explained in the following section.
2.2.2 Setup Using a Terminal Program
Once the physical connection has been made, communication can be
established with the NL100/105 using a terminal communications package.
The steps below demonstrate configuring the NL100/105 using
HyperTerminal, which is shipped with Windows operating systems.
The NL100/105 is shipped from the factory with its RS-232 port
set in the ConfMon mode (configuration monitor). Refer to
Section 2.2.3 if the RS-232 port has been set to some other
configuration and direct communication is necessary.
Ensure the NL100/105 has an appropriate power source applied. (Refer to
Section 2.1, above.)
Create a new connection in HyperTerminal. Choose the COM port to which
the null-modem cable is connected, and set the baud rate to 115,200 bps. Most
of the other settings can be left at the default (data bits = 8, parity = none, stop
bits = 1). Flow control should be set to none.
Once HyperTerminal indicates you are connected, press
times to gain the attention of the NL100/105. When communication is
established, the current port settings will be returned, followed by the
NL100/105 prompt line:
NL100/105 (ver, show, edit, defaults, reset, help, bye):
To set up the NL100/105 for communication with the network, go into the Edit
menu (Section 2.4.3 Edit) and complete the appropriate information. Note that
the Ethernet 10 Base-T connection must be configured (Section and at
least one of the other port options.
2.2.3 Establishing Communication Outside of ConfMon Mode
If the RS-232 port has been disabled or set to some configuration other than
ConfMon, communication can still be established with the NL100/105 using
one of two options.
When power is first applied to the NL100/NL105, there is a 0.5-second
window in which communication can be established with the NL100 using the
RS232 port, regardless of the port's configuration. Therefore, if power is
already applied, simply disconnect power and then reconnect it, then attempt to
establish communication within the 0.5-second period. Holding down the
enter key should allow you to hit this 0.5-second window.
The other option is to connect a boot jumper, which bypasses the boot
sequence of the NL100/105. To access the boot jumper, remove the
NL100/105's cover by removing the four screws at the corners.