4 rs-232 config – Campbell Scientific NL100 Network Link Interface User Manual
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NL100/105 Network Link Interface
CS I/O SdcAddr/bps - This option is used to set up the CS I/O port to
communicate with the datalogger as an addressable SDC device or a
modem enabled device. If SDC7 or SDC8 is chosen, the NL100/105 will
use that address to communicate with the datalogger in a synchronous
communication mode. If one of the baud rates is chosen, the NL100/105
will communicate with the datalogger as a modem enabled device using
the selected baud rate. Note that mixed array dataloggers (CR10X,
CR510, CR23X, 21X, CR7) can be configured only as modem enabled
devices; e.g., they do not support communication using SDC7 or SDC8.
CS I/O serial server port number - Enter the port number, in the range of
1 to 65000, that will be used for communication. The default port number
is 6783.
PakSer - The CS I/O port of the NL100/105 can be configured as a PakBus
serial server. This sets up the device as a serial server.
CS I/O SdcAddr/bps - This option is used to set up the CS I/O port to
communicate with the datalogger as an addressable SDC device or a
modem enabled device. If SDC7 or SDC8 is chosen, the NL100/105 will
use that address to communicate with the datalogger in synchronous
communication mode. If one of the baud rates is chosen, the NL100/105
will communicate with the datalogger as a modem enabled device using
the selected baud rate.
CS I/O Serial Server AppId number - Enter the application ID, in the
range of 1 to 65000, that will be used to identify the device in the
network. The default ID is 6783.
The usual AppId for MODBUS devices is 502.
NOTE RS-232 Config
This option configures the NL100/105's RS-232 port for communication. The
port can be set up to communicate with a datalogger or other communications
device (short haul modem, RF modem, phone modem), or to be connected to
directly and configured for communication. The setup options for the port are
PakBus, TcpSer serial server, PakSer PakBus serial server, or ConfMon
(configuration monitor).
CR10X, CR510, CR23X, 21X, and CR7 dataloggers ship with a
mixed array operating system. Mixed array dataloggers do not
support the PakBus communications protocol. Therefore, you
cannot communicate with them over a port configured for
PakBus. However, the CR10X, CR510, and CR23X dataloggers
can be special-ordered with a PakBus operating system. Check
with your technical support representative for details.
PakBus - This option is only used when setting up the NL100/105 to
communicate with other PakBus devices in the network. Packets transferred
over the RS-232 port in this mode are framed as PakBus packets; therefore,
any device attached to the port must be capable of PakBus communication.
When a port is configured for PakBus, the NL100/105’s “PakBus/Tcp Server