6 pakbus address of the nl100/105, 7 pakbus/tcp server config – Campbell Scientific NL100 Network Link Interface User Manual

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NL100/105 Network Link Interface PakBus Address of the NL100/105

If the NL100/105 is to be used as a router in a PakBus network, a PakBus
Address must be assigned. If the NL100/105 will not be used to route packets
in a PakBus network, this setting can be ignored. All devices in the network
must have a unique PakBus Address. Valid addresses are 1 through 4094. The
default ID is 678.

By default LoggerNet software uses PakBus Address 4094,
PC400 uses 4093, PC200W uses 4092, and PConnect/
PConnectCE uses 4091. The use of these addresses in the
NL100/105 should be avoided.


PakBus addresses of greater than 3999 are typically reserved for
PakBus routing devices and ports. This is because when a
neighbor filter is set up in a PakBus datalogger, the datalogger
will answer a Hello message from any device with an ID greater
than 3999, but it will ignore devices with IDs less than 4000 that
are not in their neighbor list.

Clock Source Address - In a PakBus network, a "neighbor" is another
PakBus device that the NL100/105 can communicate with directly
(e.g., it does not have to route data through another PakBus device to
reach the neighbor). A neighbor can be designated for the NL100/105
as the device from which the NL100/105 will accept a clock set
command. If this setting is enabled, once the NL100/105 has received
a clock set from its designated neighbor, it will broadcast its clock
information along with its beacon. Thus, the NL100/105 can be used
to set the clock of other PakBus devices in the network. Set this
address to 0 to disable the function.

Central Routers - The Central Routers setting is used to set up the
NL100/105 either as a Central Router or a Branch Router. If 0 is used
for this setting, then the NL100/105 is set up as a Central Router;
otherwise, a list of Central Routers for the NL100/105 is entered and
the device is set up as a Branch Router. While a Central Router learns
the routes of all devices in the PakBus network, a Branch Router
learns the routes for devices only within its branch. The use of
Branch Routers allows branches of the network to be isolated from
other branches. When the NL100/105 is set up as a branch router, the
addresses for the Central Routers are specified individually with a
space separating each address. A range of addresses can be entered
by separating them with a hyphen (e.g., 1 3 6 10-15, sets PakBus
addresses 1, 3, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 as Central Routers). PakBus/Tcp Server Config

This option enables the NL100/105 to use an Ethernet connection to
communicate with other PakBus devices in the network. The NL100/105 can
support up to 16 concurrent connections. The NL100/105 will listen for
incoming TCP/IP packets on the socket designated by the PakBus/Tcp server
port number setting. If the NL100/105 will not be used in a PakBus network,
or if the PakBus communication among PakBus devices in the network will