Campbell Scientific CRS451/CRS456 Submersible Water-Level Recording Sensor User Manual

Page 16

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CRS451/CRS456 Submersible Water-Level Recording Sensor

4. Add offset to relate water level measurements to a known datum or

reference point. (Aquifer test start at level 0.)

a) This step is optional and not required.

b) This offset takes effect at the Start Time—which is set in a subsequent

screen—so it is necessary that this sensor be in its permanent

measurement position before the Start Time, otherwise the offset

correction will not be correct.

5. Select a

Start and Stop Time.

a) Select a time in the future when measurements should begin.

Selecting a time in the past will force the sensor to begin making

measurements immediately at the indicated frequency. If an offset

calculation was selected in the previous screen, the sensor will not

make correct measurements. If an offset calculation is needed, a Start

Time must be selected far enough in the future that the sensor can be

properly placed in its measurement position before measurements
