Siemens 30inc Induction Cooktop User Manual
Avantgarde, Induction cooktops

The most advanced cooking
technology. From the most advanced
cooking technology company.
Professional-Level Performance
Induction cooking works by using electro-
magnetic fields to make the metal pot or
pan the heating element. The cooktop itself
stays cool to the touch, and only the pan
gets hot. Induction cooktops also get pots
and pans hot 25% faster than gas cooktops,
and 60% faster than electric cooktops. And
temperature adjustments are instantaneous.
It’s the number one type of cooktop in
Europe. And Siemens is the number one
brand of built-in appliances in Europe.
Designed to Be Clean
Innovative touchSlide
controls mean no
knobs to wipe around. And since the cooktop
stays cool, spilled foods don’t get baked on.
Cleanup is simply a matter of wiping the
smooth surface clean.
Intelligent Safety
The only way to get burned is by touching
a hot pot or pan. You can touch an empty
element that’s turned to full power and not
get burned, even if you’re wearing metal
rings or bracelets.
European Style in 30" and 36" Models
Siemens 30" and 36" induction cooktops
feature low profiles that blend elegantly and
seamlessly into countertops.
German Engineering
Every detail of a Siemens avantGarde
is engineered for long-lasting durability.
The future moving in.
Induction Cooktops