MagTek IntelliStripe 310™ User Manual
Page 32

IntelliStripe 310 Command Reference
The bits are identified by numbering the least significant bit 0 and the most significant bit 31.
Bits Indicator
0 Front
Set to 1 if a card is present anywhere in the front (insertion)
end of the card transport, or else cleared to 0. This bit can
be used to indicate the beginning of a card insertion or the
end of a card withdrawal. Note that once a standard sized
card is transported completely to the rear of the reader, this
indicator is no longer set.
1 Middle
Set to 1 if a card is present anywhere in the middle of the
card transport, or else cleared to 0. This bit can be used to
indicate that a card is in a position from which it can be
ejected. If this bit is set, then a standard sized card should
be in contact with the transport rollers and thus be in a
position from which it can be ejected. Note that this bit is still
set once a standard sized card is transported completely to
the rear of the reader.
Rear Card Present
Set to 1 if a card is present at the rear of the card transport
else cleared to 0. This bit can be used to indicate that the
transport has completely transported the card into the reader.
Auto Transporting
Set to 1 if the transport is transporting a card automatically,
or else cleared to 0. The transport is automatically
transporting when it transports a card due to an auto
transport property being set such as the Auto Consume
property. The Auto Transporting bit would not be set if the
transport is consuming a card in response to a consume card
command. This bit can be used to verify that the transport is
idle before taking action on the card position indicators.
4 Transport
Set to 1 if the transport is cooling else cleared to 0. When
this bit is set, the transport will temporarily not be functional.
This cooling mechanism is to ensure that the transport is not
damaged by excessive stalling of the motor by the card user
or by the host software. A stall occurs when a card is held in
position while the transport tries to move the card. The
transport will give up trying to move the card in 0.5 to 2
seconds. If 2 stalls occur within a 5-second period, then the
transport goes into a cooling mode in which it will not function
for 5 seconds during which time this bit is set.
Reserved for future use.
Example Get Property Request:
Field MTYP
2 3 4 5 6
82 00 00 01 00