MagTek MagneSafe V5 User Manual

Page 110

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MagneSafe V5



Note: The Device Serial Number field is empty because the DSN has not
been set.

Note: The MagnePrint Status, the MagnePrint Data, the DUKPT serial
number/counter and Encrypted CRC fields are empty because this reader is
at Security Level 2 (encryption not enabled).

Note that at Security Level 2 the following fields are represented as
ASCII characters:
Masked Track data
Encrypted Track data
Format Code

Note that all other fields are represented as Hexadecimal data, that is
two ASCII characters together give the value of a single byte.

Example 6: Changing from Security Level 2 to Security Level 3:

; This script demonstrates changing from Security Level 2 to Security Level 3.
; It assumes the reader is at Security Level 2 with the ANSI X9.24 Example
; key loaded and the KSN counter set to 1.
09 00 ; Get current KSN (should be FFFF9876543210E00001)
Request : CMND=09, LEN=00, DATA=
Response : RC= 00, LEN=0A, DATA=FF FF 98 76 54 32 10 E0 00 01

; For KSN 1, MAC Key: 042666B4918430A3 68DE9628D03984C9
; The command to change Security Level looks like: 15 05 03 nnnnnnnn
; where nnnnnnnn is the MAC.
; The data to be MACd is: 15 05 03
; Data to be MACd must be in blocks of eight bytes, so we left justify and
; zero fill the block to get: 15 05 03 00 00 00 00 00 (This is the block to MAC)
; For convenience show it as the compacted form: 1505030000000000
; The MAC algorithm run with this data uses the following cryptographic
; operations:
; Single DES Encrypt the data to be MACd with the left half of the MAC Key:
; 1505030000000000 1DES Enc with 042666B4918430A3 = BFBA7AE4C1597E3D
; Single DES Decrypt the result with the right half of the MAC Key:
; BFBA7AE4C1597E3D 1DES Dec with 68DE9628D03984C9 = DA91AB9A8AD9AB4C
; Single DES Encrypt the result with the left half of the MAC Key:
; DA91AB9A8AD9AB4C 1DES Enc with 042666B4918430A3 = E7E2FA3882BB386C
; The leftmost four bytes of the final result are the MAC = E7E2FA38
; Send the MACd Set Security Level command
15 05 03 E7E2FA38
Request : CMND=15, LEN=05, DATA=03 E7 E2 FA 38
Response : RC= 00, LEN=00, DATA=