MagTek MagneSafe V5 User Manual

Page 108

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MagneSafe V5


00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
844 - 851

Encrypted Session ID (user didn't load, all zeroes)

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Track 1 Absolute data length (same as above)


Track 2 Absolute data length (same as above)


Track 3 Absolute data length (same as above)


MagnePrint Absolute data length (same as above)


Example 4: Keyboard or Serial reader card swipe in Security Level 2, SureSwipe Mode:

This example shows the data received from a KB swipe for a reader at Security
Level 2. All properties are at their defaults making this a SureSwipe format.

Raw KB Data:
Byte Content
0 %B5452300551227189^HOGAN/PAUL ^08043210000000
50 725000000?;5452300551227189=080432100000007250?+51
100 63499080020445=000000000000?

According to the MagneSafe Swipe Reader Technical Reference Manual and
USB KB SureSwipe & USB KB Swipe Reader Technical Reference Manual (99875206)
the KB Data (SureSwipe format) is broken down like this:

[Tk1 SS] [Tk1 Data] [ES] [Tk2 SS] [Tk2 Data] [ES] [Tk3 SS] [Tk3 Data] [ES] [CR]

Each of the Pxx elements has the default value in this configuration, thus we
can reinterpret the format as:

%[Tk1 Data]?;[Tk2 Data]?+[Tk3 Data]?

We can show this as:

%[Tk1 Data]?
;[Tk2 Data]?
+[Tk3 Data]?

And we can fill this template in with the data we received to get:

%B5452300551227189^HOGAN/PAUL ^08043210000000725000000?

This shows the three tracks of data as received.

Example 5: Keyboard or Serial reader card swipe in Security Level 2, Not SureSwipe Mode:

This example shows the data received from a KB swipe for a reader at Security
Level 2 with the SureSwipe property set to 00 (False).

Raw KB Data:
Byte Content
0 %B5452000000007189^HOGAN/PAUL ^08040000000000
50 000000000?;5452000000007189=080400000000000000?+51