Hawkeye Tank Preparation User Manual

Page 3

background image

Run the chalk line from the centre of the tank

roof to the ground. Looking towards the cen-

tre of the tank from the edge, position the chalk

line 2.5 in to the RIGHT of the Gauge Head

Mount. Snap the line.

C1.) Redtail

D1.) Float Guide Cable Anchor

D2.) Magnetic Gauge Board Clips

C3.) Sparrowhawk , and Model 750


Please note that the preparation procedures differ for different gauge heads systems. Please ensure you use the proper procedure for

your gauge head.


Run the chalk line from the centre of the tank

roof to the ground through the centre of the

Gauge Head Mount. Snap the line.


Run the chalk line from the centre of the tank

roof to the ground. Looking towards the cen-

tre of the tank from the edge, position the chalk

line 2.5 in to the LEFT of the Gauge Head

Mount. Snap the line.


C.) Preparing the Tank for a Gauge Board

Weld the top and bottom gauge board clips, centred on the chalk line, to

the wall of the tank . The vertical distance between centres of the top and

bottom gauge board clips shall be 1.5 in less than the overall length of the

gauge board. See section D for No-Weld Alternative to gauge board clips.

A Hawkeye Industries Inc. Poly Float

Guide Anchor can be lowered into the

tank to anchor the float guides if it is

in service or otherwise inaccessible.

Consult the Float Guide Kit installation

instructions for details.

Magnetic gauge board clips can be

substituted for weld-on clips if welding

is not suitable. Follow the same pro-

cedures for spacing as with weld-on


Weld intermediate clips between the top and bottom clips, ensuring the

span between the clip centres does not exceed 5 ft (60 in).



Tank Preparation Complete.

D.) No Weld Alternatives

Tank Preparation Instructions, April 2010