Time-based outputs – AMETEK 1995A Micro-Set PLS User Manual
Page 22

Installation and Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3: Programming
3.21: Time-Based Outputs
(Available Only on Option P Units)
These outputs are programmed to turn on based on position and turn off based on a keypad selectable
time interval. Circuits one through six can be selected for this type of operation. Circuits cannot be
programmed for Linear Speed Offset and Time-Based outputs at the same time; thus the total
combined number of Linear Speed Offset and Time-Based outputs cannot exceed six.
NOTE: CIR# 301 thru 306 only enable the circuit so that it can be programmed for a Time-Based
output. After Time-Based circuits are enabled, see Section 3.8: Setpoints.
The Time-Based feature is programmed as follows:
Unit must be in the Program mode.
CIR# 301 represents CIR# 1, CIR# 302 represents CIR# 2, etc. A zero (0) after CIR# 301-
306 means that the circuit will function as a normal limit switch as outlined in Section 3.8:
Setpoints; however, if a one (1) is entered in after CIR# 301-306, it means that the circuit is to
be set up for a position ON and a timed OFF output.
This sequence only enables or disables LS1 thru LS6 for Time-Based operation. After an LS
is enabled as a Time-Based circuit, follow normal programming instructions. See Section 3.8:
Setpoints, C and D.
CIR# - (301 thru 306) -
(0 or 1)
NOTE: If LS6 is set as a motion detector, it cannot be set for Time-Based.
A Time-Based output may only have one CIR ON and one CIR OFF setpoint. This output
will turn on based upon the CIR ON position data and will turn OFF based upon the CIR OFF
time data, which is displayed and programmed in 0.01 second increments. A Time-Based
output uses three setpoints. See Section 3.7: Setpoint Formula.
Outputs 1 through 6 may incorporate Linear Speed Offset or may be Time-Based. How
ever, no output can be both. In addition, LS6 may be selected to be a motion detect output. If
two or three types of outputs are required, first select the number of Linear Speed circuits
required (CIR 80) and then individually select the Time-Based outputs and Motion Detect
Outputs 1 & 2 Linear Speed
CIR = 80 - ENT - 2 - ENT
Outputs 3 & 4 Time-Based
CIR = 303 - ENT - 1 - ENT
CIR = 304 - ENT - 1 - ENT
Output 6 Motion Detect
CIR = 55 - ENT - 1 - ENT