Red Lion PMK2 User Manual
Pmk1, Installation, Installation for panel mount kits

Three panel mount kits for CUB1 and two panel mount kits for CUB2 are
available to replace most existing miniature counters on the market today. Most
kits come complete with adapter plates, mounting hardware, and gaskets to
provide a complete sealed unit after installation. PMK2A is not sealed because
of the key lock feature.
This panel mount kit adapts the CUB1 to an oversized 1" X 2" (25 X 50 mm)
panel cut-out. The kit consists of two metal panel adapters and one neoprene
gasket. The adapter plates and gasket are pinched between the front bezel of the
counter and the mounting clips (provided with the CUB in the accessory bag).
Note: If room permits, install signal connector after counter is mounted. If there
is not enough room, pull the wires through before installing as described below:
1. Pull signal connector through the following items in order:
A. One panel adapter plate.
B. Through existing panel opening.
2. Slide the following items on the counter.
A. Panel gasket
B. Adapter plate
C. Adapter gasket
3. Install connector into CUB1. Ensure connector is in proper orientation, i.e.
lockslots toward left side of case seen from rear of counter.
4. Slide counter through panel cut-out from the front, allowing the counter to
center in the panel opening.
5. Install mounting clips (one on either side) with the screws provided. Tighten
the screws moderately to “pinch” the gaskets and panels between the front
bezel and the mounting clips. (Mounting clips and screws are provided in
accessory bag.)
Bulletin No. PMK-A
Drawing No. LP0006
Released 2/04
Tel +1 (717) 767-6511
Fax +1 (717) 764-0839
The mounting procedure for the remaining panels are identical and therefore
procedures are described only once. Figure 2 shows a typical exploded view of
individual parts and their placement. CUB2 is shown, however, installation is
identical for CUB1.
For Mounting, proceed as follows:
1. Slide panel gasket over back of counter. (Gasket is supplied in accessory bag
with counter.)
2. Slide counter onto adapter plate.
3. Slide adapter gasket onto counter.
4. Attach counter to adapter plate with two mounting clips and screws. (Both
mounting clips and screws are supplied in accessory bag with counter.)
5. Pull connector plug through existing panel opening and install in counter. (See
CUB1 and 2 Bulletin.)
6. Place complete assembly over existing cut-out lining up the adapter plate
mounting holes with existing holes.
7. Use either two or four mounting screws and nuts provided with Panel Adapter
Kit to secure panel to existing cut-out. (Two screws and nuts are provided
with PMK1A and PMK1B; four are provided with PMK2A and PMK2B.)