Tools required for install, Before first use of your solar security light, Operating your solar security light – Maxsa Innovations Solar-Powered 50 LED Motion-Activated Outdoor Security Floodlight User Manual

Page 4: Time period adjustment (time)

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tooLS rEquIrED For InStALL

install simply with just a screwdriver!

bEForE FIrSt uSE oF your SoLAr SEcurIty LIght

1. ensure the power switch on the main body of your security light is in the

off position. in this position, the solar panel will charge the battery without

activating the unit.

2. leave the switch in the off position for 3 days with the solar panel placed

in direct sunlight. this will ensure that the battery in your solar security light

has a full charge prior to motion sensor adjustment and normal operation.

opErAtIng your SoLAr SEcurIty LIght

after the initial 3 day charge of your solar security light, move the switch on the

main body to the auto position. your solar security light is now ready for use.
underneath the motion sensor, there are 3 adjustment dials: tiMe/sens/luX.

the light has been factory preset as follows:

tiMe - set at 30 seconds.

sens - set at a 10 - 15 foot range (when the surrounding temperature is 75 f).

luX - set for your security light to activate at dusk when motion is detected.

if the above settings are not suitable for your application, then these may be

adjusted using the steps below.

tIME pErIoD ADjuStMEnt (tIME)

the time period adjustment control dial sets the duration that the solar security

light will remain illuminated after the last detected motion. the time period has an

adjustable range of 10 seconds to 1 minute.
to decrease the time period, move the dial toward the ( – ) symbol.
to increase the time period, move the dial toward the ( + ) symbol.
test the time period by triggering the motion sensor and measure the time period

the light stays on. adjust the tiMe control until the desired illumination duration is

a shorter tiMe setting will conserve battery life. for best results, use the shortest

tiMe setting for your location as possible.