Choosing a location for your solar security light, How to install your solar security light – Maxsa Innovations Solar-Powered 50 LED Motion-Activated Outdoor Security Floodlight User Manual
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chooSIng A LocAtIon For your SoLAr SEcurIty LIght
this solar security light comes complete with a solar panel attached to a 15
foot power cord. for optimum sun exposure and longer light output, place the
solar panel in a position that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day.
Placing the solar panel in a shaded location will not allow the battery to charge
fully, reducing the number of hours the light will operate per evening. ensure that
the solar panel is not placed near night time light sources such as porch lighting
or street lighting.
this solar security light is ideal for areas where electricity is not available —
including driveways, carports, garages and entrance doors – for safety and
security around your home.
When deciding where to mount the light, keep in mind that the motion sensor has
a field of vision of 180º (horizontal) at a distance of 40 feet when the surrounding
temperature is 75f. the outside temperature will impact the detection distance.
how to InStALL your SoLAr SEcurIty LIght
1. Mount the security light onto a solid surface, using the two (2) wood/sheet
metal screws supplied. you may mount the security light either vertically or
2. use the four wood/sheet metal screws supplied to mount the solar panel onto
a solid surface. you can adjust the angle of the solar panel by gently rotating
the solar panel to a different locking position. Remember to face the panel
south for direct sunlight exposure.