A.R.I. RP500 EN User Manual

A.r.i, Backflow preventer rp-500 - reduced pressure zone

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Backflow Preventer RP-500 - Reduced Pressure Zone

Note: If water continues to drain from the relief valve,
check the Trouble Shooting section for probable
causes and solutions.

Installation Tips
(a) Recommendation: Do not install in areas subjected
to freezing for a long period of time.
(b) The product must be protected from excessive
pressure increases. Pressure increases can be caused by
thermal expansion or water hammer. These excessive
pressure situations must be eliminated to protect the
valve and system from possible damage.
(c) Do not use any pipe glue, oil grease or solvent on
any parts unless instructed to do so.
(d) Do not force parts. Parts should fit together freely.

Maintenance Instructions

A. Disassembly - RP 500.
1. Close the outlet shut-off valve (#2), then close the
inlet shut-off valve (#1).
2. Bleed pressure from the assembly by opening test
cock #1, #2, #3.
3. Caution The cover is spring-loaded and should be
removed carefully to avoid personal injury.


(a) The RPZ device must be installed in an accessible
location for periodic field-testing and maintenance.
(b) The location selected should have adequate drainage
for relief valve discharge. Drainage may be piped away,
a funnel RPZ is provided (See figure). The RPZ should
never be placed where it may become submerged in
standing water.
(c) Flush all upstream piping thoroughly to remove
debris prior to installing the RPZ.
(d) Assemble the components before positioning into
permanent pipe installation.
(e) Install the RPZ in a horizontal position with
adequate clearance from walls and/or obstructions, for
testing and maintenance.
A 305 mm to 338 mm clearance between the lower
most portion of the RPZ and floor should be provided.
(f) It is recommended that a “Y” strainer be installed
just upstream of the RPZ assembly to eliminate any
debris from entering the device and fouling the check
and/or relief valve.
(g) After installing the assembly and with the outlet
shut-off valve (#2), pressurize the RPZ device and
bleed air through test cock #3 Then open the outlet
shut-off valve (#2).

3.1. Remove the relief valve cover bolts while holding
the cover down.
3.2. Lift the cover straight up.
3.3. Remove the relief valve kit.
3.4. Remove the spring.
3.5. Remove the retainer.
3.6. Extract the check valves.
Note: All the disassembled parts may now be cleaned
and reassembled or, depending on their condition,
discarded and replaced with a new assembly from the
repair kit. O-rings should be cleaned or replaced as
necessary and lightly greased with the NSF approved
silicon based grease.

B. Assembly - RP 500.
1. Install the check valves. The valves must be securely
in place.
2. Install the retainer.
3. Put the spring to its place.
4. Install the relief valve kit.
5. Put on the cover, hold it down and close the bolts.
Caution The bolts have to be secured with a
recommended torque of:
2.5 Kg/m. for models DN 15/20/25
9 Kg/m. for models DN 32/40/50

Approved under : USA : NSF61 (Drinking water), ASSE 1013, AWWA C511, Approved by the Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the
University of Southern California, Listed for Uniform Plumbing Code. Australia : AS4020 (Drinking water), Watermark AS2845.1. France : ACS.

A.R.I. Flow Control Accessories Ltd. Kfar-Charuv 12932 Israel Tel. 972-4-6761988 Fax. 972-4-6763402
