Index editing – PortaTree Pro-Ultimate (Gold Box) Firmware Version 2.14 User Manual

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You can print reports, previews, PDF, and HTML files from the “Reports” /

“Sorted Reports” button. If you select the PDF or HTML output, you must click
on the file radio button, use the drop down to select PDF or HTML, and then
enter the complete path as to where you would like the file to be
placed(C:\PortatreeWeb\DataCat12.html). The “DataCat12.html” can be any file
name that you choose, but make sure that you use the proper extension after
naming the file (*.html or *.pdf).

Index Editing

The index editor is loaded with the standard indexes used by the 2 major

sanctioning bodies. You can edit them on the screen and save them for later
use. If you click on the screen in the area you would like to edit, an editor form
opens and lets you enter the new information. The new information will be saved
when you close the program. You can restore the original information at any
time, but this will reload the entire file and will cause any other changes that you
have made to be returned to the original value. The Adjustment Multiplier can be
used to change the indexes due to altitude. Use “Qtr Adjust” to change the ¼
mile indexes and “Eighth adjust” to change the 1/8 mile indexes. When you click
on the “Write” button, the index information will be written to the racer database
and will appear in the “racer database” report.

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