Program paths – PortaTree Pro-Ultimate (Gold Box) Firmware Version 2.14 User Manual
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After mapping a network drive on the announcer computer, you can use the
drive list box to find the network drive. The program will automatically key the
Announcer computer to the network drive on “Close Up” of the combo box. If you
are using the computer as the “Drag Race” Computer, the INI file information will
be read, displayed on the left side of the screen, and can be modified by the
operator. You can also match up the operating files by clicking on the “Set Path
Equal to Drag Race Program” button.
The software that you have is Keyed into the Gold Box so you can only use
and work with Results that are produced with the Gold box you have been
assigned. An error message will appear on the screen that says “Results
Database is not synchronized to this Program” if you try to access a different
database. There are Results on your computer that we installed for you to
review that are not synchronized to your program. You can view them by going
to “My Computer” and locating the C:\portatree folder and clicking on the
“openall.exe” program. This program brings up a menu at the top of the screen,
which can be opened by “clicking on” the program you would like to run; Data
log, Qualifying, Ladders, etc. The results that are in there will give you an idea of
the power of this Software. There is an HTML and a PDF file in the Portatree
Web folder for you to review. Media Reports generated both of these files.
The program paths screen will be brought up automatically the first time
you enter the program at the beginning of the day. It will prompt you to make
sure that the paths are set appropriately. This is an important program because
this is where you point to all of the files used by the Post Process Program. You
can create or copy a Racer.db and Category.db file in this program to any folder
on the computer. The paths program will not create any new folders except if the
Announcer computer copies the Administrator’s Files. In this case, the paths
program will check the files, see if the folders exist on the announcer computer.
If they do not exist, the paths program will create the folders and copy the files to
those folders and automatically set the directory list boxes to the folders copied.
The Announcer computer will then be ready to go into Media Reports and setup
the Results information for Web Publishing or Local Media.
Program Paths