Non-continuous tests – Actron KAL9615 User Manual

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Non-Continuous Tests

The purpose of this function is to obtain test results for emission-related powertrain

components and systems that are not continuously tested. Certain tests are run only

once per drive cycle when the vehicle is within proper operating conditions. This

function reports the test results after a single drive cycle. The Non-Continuous Test

function is useful after a vehicle repair or after clearing the PCM’s diagnostic informa-

tion. Test results reported by this function do not necessarily indicate a faulty compo-

nent or system. Examples of systems not continuously monitored are catalyst and

evaporative OBD II monitors.
To view the Non-Continuous Monitors’ test

results, select Non-Contin Test from the OBD II

Function Menu and press the ENTER key.

The OBD II System Tester will request the vehicle to transmit the test IDs for available

non-continuous tests and display them in a list. The vehicle manufacturer is respon-

sible to assign test IDs and component IDs to distinguish between the different

systems and components. Refer to vehicle service manuals for test IDs and definitions.

NOTE: If you get an Operating Error message, make sure the DLC adapter cable is

securely attached, and the ignition key is ON, then try again. If the problem

remains, refer to Section 4: On-Line Help and Trouble-Shooting Tips.

Select a test ($xx) from the list then press the

ENTER key. Selected test results are re-

quested by the OBD II System Tester may also

include test limits. Only one test limit is usually

included in a responses message and

displayed on the screen. The single limit could be either minimum or a maximum

test limit. The OBD II System Tester will display the test ID, system or component ID

the test measurement, specification and status.
The first line of the display will show the Non-

Continuous test that was selected using its ID

number. The ID column displays the system or

component ID number, refer to vehicle service

manual for ID definitions and explanations. A

column labeled MEAS will contain the measured data of the test. The test measure-

ment data is displayed in hexadecimal number format (a system based on 16 digits

where letters “A” through “F” represent the digits greater than 9. The specification

values for the system tested are found in SPEC column and displayed in hexadeci-

mal number format. The final column, STS (Status) information is calculated by the

OBD II System Tester using the measurement and specification data. The status can

be Low, High or OK, depending upon the measurements relationship to the specifi-

Press the BACK key to return to the OBD II Function Menu.

7)Playback Data

8)O2 Monitor Test


9)Continuous Tests [

`10)Non-Contin Tests |

Non-Cont Tests Avail





TEST $01



74 8861 C000min


74 8861 C000min
