Rate a location, Read reviews – Telenav for Sprint Supported Devices: v5.2 for HTC Touch User Manual

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4. If you have chosen to delete a category folder, you will be presented with

the following options:

Delete Category Only – Delete just the category. All favorites

will be moved out of it and appear on the Favorites screen.

Delete Category & Favorites – Delete the category and all

favorites in it. This deletes the favorites in this category only. If a
favorite is also saved under a different category, this action does
not delete it there.

Cancel – Close the pop-up and go back to the Favorites screen.

Rate a Location

Locations with star icons next to them indicate those for which you can view other people’s reviews (either editorial
or individual user review). You can also submit your own rating for this location, indicated by the number of stars
(the range is from 1 to 5).

If you tap on the “Rate This” option for a location that you have already rated, the original rating is displayed by
default. If you submit a modified rating, the old rating is excluded from the average and replaced with the new
rating, and the number of reviews remains the same.

Read Reviews

1. In the Favorites or Recent Places screen, select a location with the “Rate

This!” icon next to it.