Telenav for Nextel Supported Devices: v2.2 for Motorola i730 User Manual

Page 28

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© TELENAV 2003-5

PAGE 28 OF 41

4. You can also transfer an address from the Yellow Pages Save for later feature as explained


After you use method 1 or 2, be sure to use the Refresh list feature to update the list of addresses
appearing on TeleNav on your phone.

Voice Address Input (Recommended Method)

Call the Voice Address Input System at 408-523-1429 or 877-886-9762, and dictate your address as
prompted. Below is a sample of what you will hear and say:

TeleNav prompt> Welcome to TeleNav! Powered by TeleNav. Say the city and state you want like San Francisco,

Your response> Arlington, Texas

TeleNav prompt> I heard Arlington, Texas. To change this say GO BACK. Say the street you want like WILSON

AVENUE, or say Highway and the route number like Highway 405.

Your response> Oak Street

TeleNav prompt> I heard Oak Street. To change this say GO BACK. Say the street number or say INTERSECTION

to name a cross street.

Your response> 1620

TeleNav prompt> I heard 1620. To change this say GO BACK.

TeleNav prompt> Address entered. Please launch TeleNav on your Java Phone

The Voice Address Input System may reply back with an incorrectly recognized input. When this
happens, simply say, “Go Back”, and repeat the data entry. The voice system may advise you that a
street number is out of range and provide the proper range of numbers for you to use. Provide a
number that is within the range or nearest the end of the range that you are sure is valid. If you say
Intersection and then provide a crossing street name, the voice system may advise you that the
streets you provided do not actually cross and allow you to change either street name, or both street
names. Select the name you want to change by saying it, and then provide the correct name.

You can also say my Home or my Work to program these addresses for use on the handset. If you
want to change one of these addresses, say my Home or my Work, wait for the current address to be
repeated back to you, and then say Update. You can also say Airport, and then give the name of the
airport, its location city or its market city name.

After the Voice Address Input System has completed its dialog with you, it will advise you to launch the
TeleNav application, and then it will hang up. If TeleNav is running, you should press MENU, RUN
Java Apps, press RESUME, and choose the Refresh list option when you see the list of addresses
so that recently dictated addresses will appear in the list.

Keypad address entry

To enter a new address you need to first select New address. Next you can select one of the recently
entered cities, an airport, or a waypoint. You can also enter the new address using a City/State