JELD-WEN SVC002 Single-Hung Vinyl Drywall Unit Disassembly and Reassembly User Manual
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Single-Hung Vinyl Drywall Unit Disassembly and Reassembly (SVC002)
DiSASSemble The UNiT - CONTiNUeD
4. Store window components in a protected place to avoid damage.
5. Construct a cover for the sill that will protect the sill against damage
(do not penetrate the sill with nails or screws). Protect the rest of the
frame as necessary.
reASSemble The UNiT - TAPe GlAze meThOD (belOw PG50)
From the interior:
1. Remove the sill cover and all protective materials from the frame.
2. Set the meeting rail
in place in the correct
orientation and
secure with the (or
on to the blocks for
the V-1500) original
brackets. Make sure
the glazing tape on
the meeting rail and
the glazing tape on
the frame match up.
3. Replace the lower
From the exterior:
1. Clean the glass around the edges where it will contact the glazing
tape with a lint free cloth and isopropyl alcohol.
2. Place the setting blocks on the meeting rail in their original spots.
3. Remove the
protective film from
the glazing tape.
4. At the corners,
place a dab of 100%
silicone on all four
glazing tape butt
5. Orient the glass
unit so the fourth
corner patch is at
the top right (the
seal around the glass
will have a “rough”
appearance at the
6. Set the glass unit on
the setting blocks
without letting
the glass touch the
glazing tape. Center
horizontally. For glass
units with grilles,
make sure grille
pattern and breaks in
the horizontal and vertical bars are lined up.
7. Press the glass unit against the glazing tape.
8. Replace the snap beads starting at the bottom and ending at the top
of the unit.
reASSemble The UNiT - weT GlAze meThOD (PG50 AND AbOve)
From the interior:
1. Remove the sill cover and all protective materials from the frame.
2. Set the meeting rail
in place in the correct
orientation and
secure with the (or
on to the blocks for
the V-1500) original
brackets. Make sure
the meeting rail and
the frame match up.
3. Replace the lower
From the exterior:
1. Clean the glass
around the edges
where it will contact the silicone glazing with a lint free cloth and
isopropyl alcohol.
2. Place the setting blocks on the meeting rail in their original spots.
3. Remove the
protective film from
the glazing tape. Run
a 1/8" continuous
bead of glazing
silicone around the
entire frame stop
where it will contact
the insulated glass
unit next to the tape.
4. Orient the glass
unit so the fourth
corner patch is at
the top right (the
seal around the glass
will have a “rough”
appearance at the
5. Without letting
the glass touch the
silicone, set the glass
unit on the setting
blocks and center
horizontally. For glass
units with grilles,
make sure grille
pattern and breaks in
the horizontal and vertical bars are lined up.
6. Press the glass unit into the silicone.
7. Replace the snap beads starting at the bottom and ending at the top
of the unit.
Meeting rail
Meeting rail