Overview of compatible pav operations, Components, Base devices and alias devices – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual

Page 15: 2overview of compatible pav operations

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HPAV for z/OS user guide for the XP128/XP1024/XP12000/XP10000



Overview of Compatible PAV Operations


The components that are involved in Compatible PAV operations are:

Base devices and alias devices on the disk array (see ”

Base Devices and Alias Devices

” on page 15)

Controller emulation type for the disk array (see

Controller Emulation Type

” on page 16

Compatible PAV software enabled on the disk array through the Command View XP management

station or XP Remote Web Console (see Managing license keys and/or Command View-based

Compatible PAV in the HP StorageWorks Command View XP User Guide for XP Disk Arrays or the

HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console User Guide for the specific disk array)

Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) definitions for the disk array (see ”

HCD Definitions for the

XP1024/XP128/XP12000/XP10000 Compatible PAV Devices

” on page 16)

WLM host software definitions for dynamic alias management (see ”

WLM Host Software Definitions for

Dynamic Alias Management

” on page 16)

Setting of enabling Compatible Hyper PAV (see

WLMPAV setting of each base device as defined in

the “Define Device Parameters / Features” HCD definition window.

” on page 17

Base Devices and Alias Devices

The XP1024/XP128/XP12000/XP10000 supports a maximum of 65,280 logical devices (LDEVs), up to

256 LDEVs per logical control unit (CU) image and up to 255 CU images. The number of LDEVs per parity

group depends on the hard disk drive (HDD) type, RAID level, and device emulation type (for example,

3390-3R) of the parity group. Each LDEV is uniquely identified by its LDEV ID, which consists of the logical

CU image number (0, 1, 2...FE) and device number (00-FF hexadecimal) (for example, x0:0F = device 0F

in CU image 0).
LDEVs that are formatted as zSeries and OS/390® devices (for example, 3390 or 3380) are called

logical volume images (LVIs) or volumes. LDEVs formatted as open system devices (for example, OPEN-3 or

OPEN-9) are called logical units (LUs). Compatible PAV operations can be performed only on 3390 LVIs.