HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 27

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From the CU list, select the CU image which contains the aliases to be removed.

Base volumes are displayed in the Base Volume List.

No volumes are displayed if the selected CU image only contains devices to which aliases
cannot be assigned, such as 3390-V type devices or journal volumes. In these cases, select
another CU image.


Select one or more base volumes in the Base Volume List. Press Ctrl and click to select multiple
base volumes, press Shift and click to select a series of base volumes, or click Select All to
select all base volumes in the CU image. Alias volumes for each selected base volume(s)
appear in the Alias Volume List as shown in the following figure.


Select one or more alias volumes to remove in the Alias Volume List. Press Ctrl and click to
select multiple alias volumes, press Shift and click to select a series of alias volumes, or click
Select All to select all alias volumes in the CU image.


Once one or more alias volumes are selected, click Delete to remove the selected alias volume(s)
from the selected base volume(s) and move these alias volumes back to the Free Volume List.


Click Apply to apply the changes.

Removing aliases from base volumes