Se consult, Deinstalling 3par vaai plug-in 1.1.0, For vmware vsphere 4.1 – HP 3PAR Solutions Software for vSphere User Manual
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Deinstalling 3PAR VAAI Plug-in 1.1.0 for VMware vSphere 4.1
3PAR VAAI Plug-in 1.1.0 for VMware vSphere 4.1 Users Guide Using the ESX Service Console for ESX host:
To verify the installation from the ESX console, issue the following command:
esxcli corestorage claimrule list –c VAAI
The output generated by this command should appear as follows:
3.2 Deinstalling 3PAR VAAI Plug-in 1.1.0 for VMware vSphere 4.1
Follow the appropriate instructions to uninstall the 3PAR VAAI Plug-in.
3.2.1 Deinstalling the Plug-in Using the vSphere CLI on ESX/ESXi Hosts
To un-install 3PAR VAAI Plug-in 1.1.0 for VMware vSphere 4.1 using the vSphere CLI:
Place the ESX/ESXi host into maintenance mode and issue the following command: --server
Go to the VMware vSphere CLI command prompt and issue the following command: -B 3PAR_vaaip_InServ-110 --server
Reboot the ESX/ESXi host with the following command: --server
NOTE: Entering Maintenance Mode may initiate a shutdown, pause, or migration
of Virtual Machines in some system environments. Refer to the VMware
documentation for the recommended procedure to enter Maintenance Mode for
servers in your particular environment.