Avenview RTERM Series User Manual
Page 23

Baud Rate
Sets the host port baud rate to 50, 110, 134.5, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600,
19200, 38400, 57600, 76800 or 115200.
Rcy Hndshake
Allows the terminal to control the receipt of data from a device connected to the SERIAL1
port with no handshaking (None). Xon / Xoff handshaking. DTR handshaking, DTR / Xoff
handshaking, or by sending special codes (XPC). CPS is possible only when the personality
parameter is set to PC Term.
Data / Stop Bite
Through the SERIAL1 port, the terminal to send and receive 8-bits data with on stop bit or
two stop bits, or 7-bits data with on stop or two stops bits.
Xmt Hndshake
Xmt Hndshake causes the terminal, when sending data to a device connected to the
SERIAL1 port, to ignore all Incoming software hand-shaking singles (None) or to control
data output in respons to Xon/Xoff handshaking.
Cuases the terminal send the data to the SERIAL1 port with none, odd, mark, even, or space
Comm Mode
Sets the SERIAL1 port communication mode to full duplex (FDX), block (BLK), half duplex
(HDX), or half-duplex block (HBLK)
Printer Selection:
Parallel: Sends data to a parallel printer connected to the parallel port
Serial: Send data to a serial printer connected to the SERIAL2 port
Off: Ignores the printer command
Ethernet Mode
On / Off to set the communication routing by Ethernet Network or Serial Port.
Defines Ether terminal have multiple sessions function:
ON: Indicates the terminal has multiple sessions function, but each session only has one
page display. In 80 or 132 column mode, 4 session simultaneously. In Econ-80 colum mode
7 sessions simultaneously.
OFF: Indicates the terminal only has single session, but it has multiple pages display.