Setting access rights for all policy permissions, Working in the configuration tab, Creating new groups – HP 3PAR Policy Manager Software User Manual

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Setting Access Rights for All Policy Permissions

If you want to change the access rights for all permissions in a policy to a single right, perform the

On the View or change the policy settings for page, select the Set All
Permissions check box.


Select an access right from drop-down list.


Click Done.

All permissions are set to a selected access right for the current policy only. This can be useful
if you need to prevent the Custodian from performing any actions for a period of time; for
example, while that device is in maintenance mode or you are troubleshooting a problem.

When the devices for that policy are ready to resume normal policy management, clear the Set
All Permissions check box for that policy and click Done.

The Access Right column displays the previously defined access rights for all permissions in that
policy. The next time the device contacts the server, it receives the updated policy.

Working in the Configuration Tab

From the Configuration tab, you can create new groups, edit existing group configurations, specify
notification settings for a group, and delete groups from HP 3PAR Policy Manager.

Creating New Groups

When a device registers with Policy Manager, it specifies its model number. Each model number
is a separate group within the Policy Manager interface.

You can create new groups based on the security needs of your devices. For example, you may
want to create a group for highly-restricted devices and another group for devices that are not as
restricted. Then, within the Policy Manager group configuration pages you can move the devices
into the related group.

To create a new group:

On the Configuration tab and click New


Figure 25 (page 32)


Figure 25 Creating a New Group


Using HP 3PAR Policy Manager