HP EliteBook 2740p Tablet-PC User Manual

Page 174

background image

QuickWeb 7, 57
rotate 9, 15
TouchPad 2
volume down 4
volume mute 4, 61
volume up 4



1394 97
LAN 38
modem 33
USB 95

calibrating battery 80
caps lock light, identifying 3

protecting 63
writing to 63

CD drive 99
Certificate of Authenticity label 14
changing boot order 149
charge level indicator,

identifying 10

charging batteries 78, 80
checking audio functions 64

display 160
keyboard 160
pen holder 160
sides and cover 160
tablet PC pen 160
TouchPad 160

cleaning guidelines 159
cleaning products 159

changing settings 50
testing 50


additional hardware 13
bottom 10
display 11
front 6
left-side 8
rear 9
right-side 7
top 1

composite video 56
computer information 130

Computer Setup

BIOS administrator

password 114

device security 121
DriveLock password 116
enabling bootable

devices 147

File menu 139
navigating and selecting 137
restoring factory settings 138
Security menu 139
setting boot order 149
setting MultiBoot Express

prompt 150

System Configuration

menu 140

Computer Setup utility 151
configuring ExpressCards 103
connecting to a LAN 38
connecting to a WLAN 25
Connection Manager icon 20
connection, external power 75
connector, power 9
conservation, power 82
convertible hinge,

identifying 11, 15

cord, power 13
corporate WLAN connection 25
country-specific modem cable

adapter 33

critical battery level 79
ctrl+alt+del button,

identifying 9, 15


deployment, software 151
device configurations 141
device security 121
digital card

inserting 101
removing 102
stopping 102


Driver Recovery 136
Operating System 136

Disk Cleanup software 88
Disk Defragmenter software 88
disk sanitizer 140
diskette drive 99


cleaning 160
image, switching 56
notebook mode 18
rotating 16
screen brightness hotkeys 56
tablet mode 16

display release latch,

identifying 6

display switch, identifying 4
docking connector

identifying 10

drive light 89
drive light, identifying 3
drive media 71
DriveLock password

changing 117
description 116
entering 117
removing 119
setting 117

DriveLock, automatic 140
Driver Recovery disc 136

caring for 86
diskette 99
external 99
hard 91, 92, 99
optical 99

See also hard drive; optical


drives, boot order 141, 145

protecting 63
writing to 63

DVD drive 99


encryption 24
esc button, identifying 9, 15
esc key, identifying 5
Execution Disable 141
expansion base 62

configuring 103
inserting 103
removing 104
removing insert 103
stopping 104

ExpressCard slot 8

162 Index