Luxeair series control panel – Aquatic LuxeAir Series User Manual

Page 18

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aquatic Industries, Inc.



To Turn Blower (Air System) On: Press once to turn the blower
(air system) on. A second press will turn the blower off. Holding
the button down for 2 seconds will change modes when the
blower is on. There is a 20 minute timer that will automatically
turn the blower off.

Press once to turn the pump (jets) on. A second press will turn
the pump off. There is a 20 minute timer that will automatically turn the pump off.

To Change modes: Holding this button down for 2 seconds will change modes when the blower is on. There
is a 20 minute timer that will automatically turn the blower off.

• Constant Mode: Consists of a constant blower speed.
• Wave Mode: Consists of a gradual change of blower speed to generate a gentle massage effect.
• Pulse Mode: Consists of an instant change of the blower speed to generate a massage effect.

To Change Speeds: Pressing this button will increase the blower speed. Holding down this button will continue
to increase the blower speed until the maximum speed is obtained.

Pressing this button will decrease the blower speed. Holding down this button will continue to decrease the
blower speed until the minimum speed is obtained. The blower’s heater will only be fully on at maximum speed.
As you decrease the speed of the blower, the heater’s output will decrease.

CAuTiON: due to varied size, weight and shape of a person’s body, water may splash out of the tub when the
air blower is on high speed. Turn the speed of the blower down using the minus button

to a lower setting to

reduce the amount of water being dispersed from the tub.

Air BATh PurgE CyCLE:

Twenty minutes after the pump or blower is turned off, either manually or by the timer, the blower will turn on at full
power for 3 minutes to purge the air channels of water. During this 20 minute waiting period, depressing the on/off
button will cancel the purge cycle and starts another massage cycle.

During the 3 minute purge cycle, depressing the on/off button will cancel the remaining purge cycle.

AuTOmATEd dry CyCLE:

regardless if the air bath system was utilized, an automated dry cycle will turn on 20 minutes after the water
sensors do not detect water. The automated dry cycle will turn on for 3 minutes (once the sensors are dry)
to purge the air channels after any contact with water, including after a shower or cleaning/rinsing of the bath.
The two water sensors are located near the drain.

PurgE 24 hOurS:

24 hour purge: The blower automatically comes on to purge the air channels of water. This will happen every 24 hours
from the time the 24 hour purge was activated.

Activating the 24 hour purge: Holding down the on/off pump button for 5 seconds when the blower is off will activate the
24 hour purge cycle. The blower will then come on to purge the air channels every 24 hours from the time it was set.

This will be confirmed by the blower coming on for 1 second, turning off for 2 seconds and then coming back on for
1 second.

Cancelling the 24 hour purge cycle (not recommended): Holding down the on/off pump button for 5 seconds when
the blower is off will cancel the 24 hour purge cycle.

This will be confirmed by the blower coming on for 1 second and then turning off.