Operation of luxeair series – Aquatic LuxeAir Series User Manual
Page 16

aquatic Industries, Inc.
jET OPErATiONS (continued):
STrESS-EAz NECK ANd ShOuLdEr jETS (some models):
The Aquatic stress-eaz Jet is a rotating jet that concentrates water flow on the user's neck and shoulder areas.
• To adjust pressure (see Diagram 11A):
1. grasp the outer ring of the jet.
2. Turn the outer ring clockwise to increase flow,
counter-clockwise to shut off.
• To adjust circular pattern (see Diagrams 11A and 11B):
1. small circular pattern: slide the nozzle until it is
positioned in the center of the jet.
2. Large circular pattern: slide the nozzle to the desired
location for a large pattern.
• To remove jet (see Diagram 11C):
1. grasp the outer ring of the jet.
2. Turn the jet counter-clockwise until the jet clicks, then pull.
• To replace or change jet (see Diagrams 11C):
1. Insert the jet into jet housing. Note: dO NOT FOrCE.
2. Turn the jet clockwise past the point of resistance until the jet clicks.