Creating a thp/smart pool, Verifying thp/smart pool information, 46 verifying thp/smart pool information – HP XP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Software User Manual
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Creating a THP/Smart pool
You can create virtual volumes from physical volumes and then group them into a THP/Smart pool.
Before creating THP/Smart pools, you must:
Register the target storage system
When defining an external LDEV tier rank, a storage system that has multiple performance levels
must be externally connected
Verify the following when using XP24000/20000 and HP StorageWorks P9500 Disk Array for THP
Only parity groups from which volumes have already been created can be targets
Verfiy the following when using HP StorageWorks P9500 Disk Array for Smart pools:
Hardware tier: drive type and drive speed (RPM)
Only parity groups for each hardware tier from which volumes have already been created can
be targets
On the Resources tab, select THP Pools under the target storage system.
Click Create Pool.
The Create Pool dialog box opens.
Specify the pool name and other information.
If you want to manually monitor or relocate Smart pools, set Tier Management in Smart Options
to Manual.
Click Show Plan to review the plan and specify additional information, as appropriate:
• Verify the information that is displayed.
• Enter a name in Task Name.
• Specify when the task should execute.
Click Submit.
The plan is registered as a task.
In the Storage Systems tree, return to the target storage system, click THP Pools and confirm that
the pool is created.
Verifying THP/Smart pool information
Before you can verify THP/Smart pools and their operation conditions, you must have created the
pools you want to verify.
On the Resources tab, select THP Pools under the target storage system.
A list of THP/Smart pools, (THP/Smart pool volumes and THP/Smart volumes), and associated
information appears. A pools summary provides summary information such as the number of
pools, virtual volume capacity, usage, and total and used capacity.
Select a THP/Smart pool to display more detailed information about that pool.
Configuration information for each THP/Smart volume can be displayed by clicking the volume
link from the list displayed on the THP Vols tab.
Setting up and operating a SAN environment