4 using hp eso – HP ProLiant DL980 G7 Server User Manual

Page 19

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4 Using HP ESO

HP ESO allows you to connect to SQL Server and Analysis Services instances to perform a variety
of tasks to help with system configuration and tuning to optimize SQL performance.

Table 1

(page 19)

lists the main tasks you can perform.

Table 1 HP ESO tasks

For more information...

Task to perform...

Tasks to perform prior to using HP ESO

“Configuring user accounts to
enable access to SQL Server and

Configure user accounts to enable access to SQL Server and Analysis Services

Analysis Services instances”
(page 15)

“Launching HP ESO” (page 20)

Launch HP ESO

Tasks to perform initially to familiarize yourself with HP ESO

“Getting Started pages”
(page 23)

Familiarize yourself with the Getting Started pages

“Quick start: Tasks performed in
a typical HP ESO user session”
(page 25)

Familiarize yourself with a typical HP ESO session that includes commonly-performed

Individual tasks to perform using HP ESO

“Starting an authenticated
Administrator Session (Admin
Session)” (page 29)

Start an authenticated session to enable access to HP ESO pages and functionality

“Setting credentials and logging
in to SQL Server and Analysis
Services instances” (page 30)

Enter login credentials and authentication type for SQL Server and Analysis Services
instances; log in to SQL instances

“Modifying the Admin Session
timeout value” (page 31)

Modify Admin Session timeout period

“Collecting data for analysis and
recommendations” (page 32)

Set data collection parameters and initiate data collection and analysis for
optimization recommendations

“Summary page: Viewing
recommended optimization

View summary of optimization recommendations for settable parameters (gathered
from all optimization pages) and enable optimization recommendations

values for settable parameters
obtained from all optimization
pages; generating a PowerShell
script for setting these
recommended values” (page 35)

“Viewing and controlling SQL
Server and Analysis Services

View SQL Server and Analysis Services information and enable optimization

parameters and optimization
recommendations” (page 38)

“Viewing and controlling
database parameters and

View information about database files in each SQL Server and Analysis Services
instance and enable optimization recommendations

recommendations” (page 43)

“Viewing high availability and
disaster recovery configurations
and recommendations” (page 46)

View information about high availability and disaster recovery database